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[note: Find the Pope Benedict novena prayers here.]
A priest I know sent me a text message this morning that I couldn’t believe.
It said that the Pope was going to retire.
I was shocked and thought it was a joke at first. But, it was true!
My first thought was that we need to pray.
So, we shall pray!
I had already been planning a novena for Pope Benedict’s birthday in April. So, I quickly texted my wife, Annie, and told her that we would need to move the novena up.
It looks like Pope Benedict’s last day as Pope will be February 28th. He said that he was stepping down because of his age and declining energy.
So, I think we should pray for Pope Benedict in his last days as Pope!
We will pray a novena starting on Wednesday the 20th to end on his last day.
It will be our ‘retirement gift’ to Pope Benedict!
We will pray in thanksgiving for Pope Benedict’s service, for his health and for the Papacy!
Please spread the word!
What about the next Pope, you ask?
We will do a novena for the election of a new Pope when the conclave has been convened. So, keep an eye out for that as Pope Benedict has called for a new Pope to be elected by Easter!
Sign up here and invite your friends!
[note: Find the novena prayers here.]
Here is the text of Pope Benedict’s Statement to the Cardinals regarding his retirement:
“Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonisations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church.
After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.
I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering.
However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to steer the boat of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognise my incapacity to adequately fulfil the ministry entrusted to me.
For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.
Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects.
And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff.
With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.”
Thank you John Paul, for providing this wed site, as you are working for God I know that my good God is there for you and your family.
Thank you so much
Christ Cross
I pray for Pope Benedict for good health and gods blessing for a good retirerment
With hearts overflowing with gratitude and love for the gift of Pope Benedict XVI. May our Lord and our Lady continue to strengthen and guide him in every moment. Our family (5 at home) are grateful to join with all of you in this special Novena.
May the almighty God be with him all through. May Our Lord Jesus guide him.
I’m in!
May the Lord be with the Pope as he retires and grant him good health.
I am praying this novena for the Pope, because he made a very difficult decision, with the best intentions of the Church in mind. I believe he did this in a selfless act of love. Love you Pope Benedict XVI!
The humility shown by our dear pope made a great impression on me and I want to join the Holy Catholic Church in praying for him that The Almighty God continue to bless his mind and body and give him the grace and strength to live the rest of his days being at peace with God. I pray also for the will of the LORD to be done even as the cardinals prepare to elect the next pope.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us.
Lord please be with the pope and your servants during this time of change. God thank you for your many blessings. Please help us accept this transition in the coming weeks. My prayers go out to the Pope, my family and all of yours. God please keep us in your prayers.
Holy and Gracious Lord, we come to you as your children asking for special blessings over your son Pope Benedict, XVI. He has been our spiritual leader and brought us closer to You in holiness and grace. We pray that his final years on this earth be without pain and suffering. We ask that You look with favor on his life which he is dedicating to prayer. We ask that he be covered in the blood of our Savior and made pleasing before Your eyes. We lift him up in prayer and thanksgiving. We thank You for the people and gifts that you provide in our daily lives. You are so good to us Father, and we are so undeserving. Blessed Mother, we beseech thee to cover our Pope with your mantle. We ask for your angels of protection for him. We ask this all in the Blessed Name of Jesus.
May the Lord continue to protect you Holy Father, and grant you many more years of divine service and prayer to the world.
What a good and righteous and holy man. Sad that Vatican politics and a disloyal personal amanuensis brought so much pain to this earnest servant of God.
I pray to the heavenly father that the pope may be healed of all his ailment and may the almighty shower his blessing upon him… thank you pope for guiding us(sheep) of God.
God Bless!!!
I wish Pope Benedict the XVI well as he retires. I also do thank him for the Good work . May the holyspirit guide and protect him.
Perhaps, John-Paul, when you create this novena you could include a prayer of protection for Pope Benedict. At his first mass as Pope he said “Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.” I have included a link to the article citing this quote. Let’s pray that his enemies destroy one another as did Jehosophat’s did in 2 Chronicles 20: 15 – 30. and that God gives him rest “on every side.”
Dear Pastor, Father, Holy Father, il Papa, Pope, Successor of St. Peter, Minister of Christ…
Papa Beneditto XVI! Thank you for your steady leadership and service to The beloved Church and the many years of service to its people and the world!
(Matthew Chapter 16. Verses 13-20.)
Let us also pray that the news media would not get so stupid in their comments and speculations…let the Cardinals do their work.
Let us also pray for a new Bishop for the Diocese of Fargo, ND.
Love, prayers and blessings go out for a holy man who fitted his predecessor’s shoes so well. Another great and blessed man who steered the catholic church into this new milleneum .am so proud to be a member of this flock.Hail to Christ’s vicar .The pontiff of ROME.will always be remembered as one of the world’s catholic scholars .Pope .Benedict.
I join the faithful in this novena. What a beautiful way to support the holy father Pope Benedict XVI. What a great man, a brilliant scholar and a faithful shepherd. May the peace of The Lord be with him as he travels this journey. My prayers will continue to be with him.
God Bless the holy father!
Thanks for the good work of prayer. I will join you to pray for pope Benedict and for the new Pope election
Pope Benedict may God continue to bless you and all that you have done for God’s holy church. You are truly a man of God. With hum
ility and courage you decided to step down. I believe when you retire you will have a deeper relationship with God and will have more time to pray for all of us.
It is also our duty to continue to pray for you and also for the next pope may he have the same spiritualityand goals for the church..
May God protect and guide you always.
Thank you, Pope Benedict for being a great leader for the Catholic Church. May God Bless you for all you have done. May God grant you continued good health
for the rest of the days of your life. Thank you, Pope Benedict.
I will be praying this novena to thank our holy father for his humble service to our Lord. May God continue to bless Pope Benedict.
This is a special time when we can witness our Pope coming to the end of his role as patriarch for all Catholics and thank him for all the wonderful work he has done for God and for us.
I join with many of you in praying good health for Pope Benedict XIV and thanking him for being the type of leader we all needed him to be and for showing the extraordinary courage to turn over the leadership of the Church.
May God bless Pope Benedict XIV forever.
Thank you Holy Father for your many years of hard work dedicated to the church.
I pray that God and mother Mary may comfort you in your retirement as Pope and yet continuing to work in the church for God.
God Bless You
I am foining the novena to pray for The Pope. May Jesus cover him with his Blood that even when he is no longer the Pope he can assist the New Pape
God be with Pope Benedict and the New one to be elected by Jesus
Joining in prayer for Pope Benedict XVI, God bless you in your retirement. Thank you for your leadership and faithful service. Peace to all. God Bless us all as we pray for you and our new Pope.
Most Dear Holy Father, Your Holiness, LA SUA SANTITA:
God Bless you, Our Supreme Shepherd!!
father joseph
I salute the courage with which the Holy Father prayerfully and examplary resigns. May we learn all learn from that kind of humility. As you are resigning your office O Holy Father I pray God to continue to keep you in His love through Christ our Lord Amen
As we pray for the Pope, remember Kenya too. We are about to go for the general elections and we need God’s mercy. We are not ready for another post elections violence.
I would like the Holy Spirit to guide our prayers for Pope Benedict who has taken a difficult decision. And that He be very present for the future election and cleanse the hearts of the Cardinals.
Let us pray together for all the world and for the new pope to be elected.
Praying God will grant Pope Benedict XVI Peace in his retirement, also that Our
Blessed Mother Mary will keep him under Her Mantle and protect him in the future.
Thank you for all your selfless service and care for your brothers and sisters of the
Thank you Pope Benedict XVI for your love, leadership and service. This novena is for you and I will be praying for your health and strength and that you may find peace in your decision. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you in your life of prayer and protect you always.
With love and gratitude – God Bless You!
Praying that God’s will be done!
I want to pray for the Pope to thank him all the knowledge he shared with us, all his kindness and his patience. Also I think it is very important to pray for his health and his strength during these days when a lot of ignorant people is judging him instead of showing respect and love to a person who has given all his life to help others and to share the love of God. I ask the Virgin Mary to embrace him and to guide him every day. Lets also pray for the new Pope and all the priests who will be helping him. God bless all.
I would like to pray that this is God’s will for the pope and for the state of the church. I pray that pope Benedict remains in God’s favor, and that angels watch over his life, and his soul so that he may come at last into the glory of God’s kingdom.
Joining in prayer and gratitude!
I want to pray for Pope for his health .God bless him and choose a leader for his church.
I would like to personally thank Pope Benedict XVI for all the good work he has done for our church. I would also like to wish him good health and may the Holy Spirit guide, protect and heal him. May the Almighty God give him enough strength to keep on praying for the church, Amen
Pope Benedict XVI I wish you well as you step down for your Seat in Rome. I admire and love you very much for the wonderful humble man you are. Also for all you have done for us Catholics around the world. We have all felt your prayerfull touch in our lives. This was not an easy decision for you to make and you must have had many heartbreaking moments while praying that you would make the right decision. It takes a very humble man to openly admit that he is getting old and very tired and feels it necessary to step down for such a position of power not only in the Church but in the whole world. I know god helped you with this and is with you all the time. I am proud to be a Catholic and to have had the priviledge of still being around during your time of Papacy. You did wonderful work for us and we are proud of you for everything you are and will continue to be. You will always be in my prayers and even though you are taking on a life of prayer now please I beg of you, rest rest rest. I am sure you will as you have accepted your frailty so treat it nicely and with love and rest as well as pray. God Bless you I love you xxx
That we pray and comment pope’s soul to our creator. We his heart is bleeding and paining because of sins committed by his flock, he might not speak, closely looking into the popes EYES you will realize the truth .May the angels guard Pope Benedict XVI mind , soul and body as he modifies his way. Oh ‘ that the Angel Michael come to take judge and a whole catholic kneel to pray.
But a sat moment for the church as a person of Pope Benedict XVI age to prepare his flock that aim looking straight in the Eyes of Jesus?
I want to pray for Pope Benedict XVI for his health especially this time its deteriorating. May the Good Lord grant him enough strength.
I want to pray for Pope Benedict XVI for his good health and happiness for all what he has done for all of us.
God Bless
Thanks to Pope Benedict XVI for all he has done and many prayers for his health and retirement. I would also like to support the Holy Father and pray that the Holy Spirit protect him and heal him.
God Bless!!
I do give glory to God for the Life of Pope Benedict XVI for guiding the church he became the Holy Father. I now wish to pray for your life a head, and further pray that he may continue to intercede for the church even after his retirement.
I have enjoyed the Novenas in my inbox and really
Look forward to praying for our Holy Father. The reason
I will pray for Pope Benedict is that I love him. Sad to hear of his retirement
But do appreciate his reasons & have faith that he is continuing to do
God’s will.
I give Pope Benedict XVI a lot of credit and wish him well. I know this was a well thought out and prayerful decision. He is a very humble man. A lot of other leaders in power should take his lead.
Thank you for this novena which I started today.
My prayer to Pope Benedict XVI for best of health and thanksgiving for his wonderful guidance during his papacy. Gods will be accomplished for his successor.
Jesus, we trust in you.
I’ve only been on here a short while. Thanks for your prayers. I will be praying the Novena for the Pope with you & also for his successor. Sacred heart of Jesus, pray for us!
His declaration says it all – he is an earnest and God-fearing man. He is in my prayers.
Hello John-Paul and Annie,
Thank you for all your hard work, thoughts, prayers and how you help motivate each of us to participate. May God bless each of you and your families.
I will send my thoughts and prayers to our Heavenly Father and our Blessed Mother to help and bless:
1. Pope Benedict complete his duties according to God’s will. Also, to thank him for his service (past, present and future).
2. That the Cardinals are guided in mind, body and spirit by Heaven in making their selection for Pope Benedict’s successor.
3. That this change will help more people reconnect and/or discover to a deeper connection with total faith, love and hope to walk justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with Christ our Lord.
4. That this change sparks a strength and unity among men, women and children on each continenant throughout the world.
God bless.
Really would love to pray with all of you 4 the pope nan pray a good one takes his place.
I am so happy to be part of such an importnat Novena. Thanks to all who have organized this!
Thank you, Dear Lord, for your blessings. Please be with Pope Benedict and the cardinals who are prayerfully following your will.
Thank you Papa for your service and care of our faith.
To our world, thank you for your faithfulness. May this be a time of evangelization and building of our faith in places where it has diminished.
That “Il Pape” Benedict will generously assist “Petrus Romanus,” the Last Pope as he shephards Holy Church through apostasy, assaults and tumult of this coming last age.
Yesterday morning I received with deep sadness the news of the Pope’s resignation to the Papacy, but accepted his decision to step down with respect and admiration. Then with a grateful heart I lifted to God my soul in praise for granting us, Catholics, a brilliant man full of wisdom, humility, and courage, as our Holy Father Benedict XVI is, to lead the faithful around the world. His life of fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, his many years of service, and the love for Jesus Christ which he brought out to the foreground of his teachings, his encyclicals, and his many beautiful books give testimony of his dedication to his calling, and of the love of the Lord for His people. Thanks be to God! +
Thank you for this Novena. As we all pray for Pope Benedict XVI , we must also pray for his successor.
Jesus we trust in you.
My prayer to Pope Benedict 16 is good health, thanks giving for the wonderful papacy he has given to the church. I pray for good governance in my country Malawi.
I’m praying for God to bless Pope Benedict XVI in his retirement and for God to guide the leaders of the church as we move forward.
I thank pope Benedict for the service he gave to the whole roman catholic community. I wish him all the best. may the almighty Lord give him long life.
God bless. Amen
I had the great fortune to see Pope Benedict XVI up close when I visited Rome in 2009. I will pray the Novena for him and in thanksgiving for his wonderful papacy.
Thank you for leading this novena. We will be in prayer with you. 8 of us in total. We will pray in thanksgiving for all of the good that the Holy Father accomplished during his papacy and that God blesses him during his retirement. And we will pray that we can all learn something from his examples of courage and humilty.
God bless.
Thank you, Papa for your humble service. May you be blessed in the next phase of you life, through the love and mercy of Our Lord. We love you!
Lord Jesus,
As my heart cries out for you and your Will, so does it cry for the soul of Joseph Ratzinger. With devotion to our mother Mary, please show our brother your devine love and mercy. Amen.
Thank you Paul and Annie, indeed the Holy Father has fought a good fight of Faith…. and being the Year of Faith I believe that God in His Mercy and kindness will continue to protect and Bless Him,and also Bless us with a God Fearing Pope who will take the Church to higher Level. Please also pray for my country Kenya in East Africa as we go to the polls come 4th march2013 for peaceful Elections.
All the Holy Angels and Saints of God intercede and Pray for us……Amen
God Bless.
My Novena is for the Holy Father’s Benedict XVI’s health & guidance in these troubled times. May we pray for God’s blessing and hope that the Holy Father will be guidance into the future, and a new elected Pope will truly be a good Pope and one that follows Jesus in his words and actions.
My prayers and love from my family to you Most Holy Father
Unitedly we will pray.
My Novena intention is for the Holy Father Benedict XVI’s health & that Almighty Father will continue to shower upon him blessings and a peaceful retirement.
With deepest gratitude for your life, vocation and ministry as Vicar of Christ and chief shepherd of His flock, I offer my prayers for a joyful, healthy, peaceful, and productive retirement. Your writings in particular have been an inspiration to me.
I am praying for each of you!!!
Sending blessings and thanks to Pope Benedict XVI for all he has done and many prayers for his health and retirement.
May our Lord Jesus Christ assist the Cardinal Fathers in electing a new Supreme Pontiff that will promote strong morals, love and peace around the globe in order to help make this deteriorating world a better place in which to live!!!
May the holy chosen one encompass our world to bring EVERYONE closer to God and His holy church, especially youth…who hold the future in their hands!!!
I would like to support the Holy Father and pray that the Holy Spirit protect him and heal whatever is ailing him.
First of all i want to say JOHN PAUL AND ANNIE,…you people are doing a very good job, may God will always be with you a d bless you and your work.
Second, its a really shocking news to know that our beloved Pope is going to retire…but with all the respect to his decision I will surely pray this Novena for our Pope’s Health, and may God bless him with good health, and he will always be in our heart…and i also pray for our going to be Pope..
With all love
Thnak you for making the novena available to us. We’re onboard to pray for our dear Pope Benedict XVI, as well as for his successor!
May God grant him and the whole Church His everlasting peace.
Not shocked, but awed in MI,
mary & family ;o)
For the good health of Pope Benedict, and in thanksgiving for his service to the Jesus Christ and His Church.
Thank you for the Novena.
I will be praying this Novena for him. I think he is very courageous in what he’s doing.
I’m asking God to Bless and protect him.
Thanks you, Holy Father, for your wonderful dedication to Jesus Christ.
So very sorry your health does not permit you to continue as The Holy Father.
Yours in Christ,
Joe & Lynne Lamy
I will pray this novena in gratitude for the Holy Father! His shepherding of not just the Catholic flock but all people! He has been a true example of Peter! I will never forget seeing him in New York and Madrid! Thank you Pope Benedict XVI, many prayers now and always as you continue in the footsteps of Christ!
I offer my prayers for our dear Pope and our Pope soon to be. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus select our new Holy Father through the power of the Holy Spirit…Amen.
And pray that our new Holy Father take the action necessary to fulfill the requests of our Blessed Lady of Fatima, that Russia may receive the blessing of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and that God shall renew the face of the earth.
If in any possible, please help Father Gruner in this Apostolate of Mary for this bleesing to take place soon and very soon. Offer your prayers to this dear Father along with anything financial you can if possible.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph help us and pray for us, save souls, Amen.
I was indeed taken by great shock when SMS message from one of the telecommunication service providers came in my celphone last night at around 20.30 GMT about the Pope’s resigination.I confirmed it in the early morning mass today.
In this year of Faith announced by Pope Benedict XV1 ,My /Our prayers is for God to Give His annointed one and His children Grace of persevereannce and overcoming.For He said to Apostle Peter “You are the Rock and upon this Rock i Will build my Church and No gates of Hell Shall prevail against it”.
“If the shephard be stricken what can the sheep do”.May God’s grace be sufficient for His annointed one in this trying moment when he feels his strengthen is weakening, till the end.May His Light shine upon the Pope’s and The Church’s life.
We are Grateful for the fatherly Leadership and guideanc of the Church.Our Prayers for Him in times a head and for the New Pope.
May God bless and keep all of us in this trying time. I hope and pray for the Popes health of body, mind and soul! We need now more then ever to come together as Catholics in pray for our future church! May God bless us all!
Thankyou Paul for gathering us together for prayers.I will pray with you for Pope benedict as he takes the next step of his life.I also have a request to make.My country Kenya(in Africa) goes to polls on March 4th.I ask your prayers that we may go through peaceful election and above all ,that God may give us aleader after His own Heart.
Thank you Jane
I just read it in newspaper today morning that the Pope will be resigning and that shocked me. However, we have to pray for our Pope and too for the would be Pope.
we indeed hav to pray for him to hav a great rest. So too for the next pope
We pray the novena for Pope Benedict XVI and the election of a new papal leader for our Catholic Church.
Thank you, John Paul, for all of your efforts to organize a Novena for Pope Benedict XVI we pray to Almighty to god for his good health & strength ,may god bless him.
This is a wonderful idea! I saw where Scott Hahn posted on his Facebook that “it looks like we all know what we will be giving up as Catholics for Lent this year…” Obviously there was more to the post, but it was truly heartfelt. I pray that as Benedict steps down that he will will find his personal holiness increased, since we are all called to holiness. I also pray that more men will called to the priesthood and more women will hear the call for vocations. God knows all of hearts, may He open the hearts of those He wants, and soften their ears to His call.
John Paul and Annie,
Thank you for your prayer for Pope Benedict XVI for his “retirement”. We thank him for his service to God’s people.
We ask for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as the Church leaders prepare to elect a new Pope.
God bless both of you for your spiritual attentiveness to the needs of our Church.
Sister Elizabeth Ann Hall, OSF
It was such a wonderful gift of life to Pope Benedict to become Holy Pope, I am praying for him to have peace retirement, that needs a lot of restful days to gain more good health and energy.
God Loves him truly!
Thank you so much for all Novenas and the Novenas coming ahead.
God Bless you John Paul and Annie.
We Love you!
Will pray the Novena until almost the end as will have
an operation on the 28th. Prayers always for the Health
of Pope Benedict and a thank you for your Spiritual
Guidance. Thanking you John Paul and your wife Anne
for doing this Novenas.
Will pray part of the Novena as I will be operated on before
we will be the end. Will be able to do the whole one for the
voting on the New Pope. T hanks John Paul and Anne for
doing these Novenas.
I could not believe the news. We need to pray for our Church and also ask for the new pope to be someone who can connect with our youth again and hopefully bring more young people closer to the Church. Pope Benedict has been a wonderful pope through very trying times for our Church.
Thank you John-Paul for responding so quickly to the Spirit. As we pray for Pope Benedict XVI, lets also pray for all the leaders in the Church to always follow God’s Will has Pope Benedict XVI has been such an example.
His was not an easy job. His was not a popular job. May he retire in peace with the love, support and prayers of the people.
I pray now and will pray the novena for Pope Benedict XVI and the election of a new papal leader for our Catholic Church.
Thank you, John Paul, for all of your efforts to provide us with the opportunity to pray together.
Thank you for responding to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit!
I was so shocked to hear the news. I actually liked Benedict XVI, he had this gentle serene quality to him, but also exuded strong faith and will in the power of God. I will pray for him and for the Catholic Church during this time.
I pray for Pope Benedict XVI in his ministry in these his last days as Pope and for the papacy overall. I also pray that he will gain better health and strength in his retirement.
I only heard about this less than an hour ago, and I am still trying to take it in. I shall pray for Pope Benedict and for the Cardinals who will elect a new Pope. Thank you for organising the Novenas for us all John Paul. Such a beautiful and meaningful way to pray.
Thank for the Novena’s. I will be praying for Pope Benedict XV1 with you and also by myself.
I think this is a very good idea, John Paul.
Having been 1 of the few blessed to see the Holy Father in N.Y. in 2008, I am overwhelmed with joy to participate in this Novena. Thank you so much and may God continue to bless Pope Benedict, and all his parishioners in Jesus name.