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Email Everyone!
There is power in prayer and there is power in numbers! Wouldn’t it be nice to pray together with your friends and family while increasing the power of this novena? You can help others pray more novenas by spreading the word to your friends and family!
Send them an email. (see below)
I would love for you to email something original, but many people are very busy. So, here’s a sample post that you can just copy and paste to save some time! (or write your own of course!)
Sample Email
—— Copy and Paste Below ——
Hi There!
I am joining more than 24,000 people to pray the Novena to St. Therese starting on Saturday!
Will you join me in praying this powerful novena?
I’m really looking forward to praying this novena with so many faithful Catholics around the world and I thought you’d like to join too!
There’s a great website that sends you email reminders with the novena prayers on each of the 9 days. I’ve been using it and loving it!
You can read about it and sign up here:
Please forward this to any other people that you think might want to pray with us!
We’re trying to get up to 35,000 novenas for St. Therese!
Have a great day!
God bless you,
Do you have a blog? Let your readers know about this novena opportunity! Click here.
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Novena to St. Anne
Immaculate Conception Novena
St. Anthony Novena
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Assumption Novena
Novena to the Holy Spirit
Let’s Pray Together!
We can do this! :)
It would be GREAT to give this gift to our Catholic Church Papa. Please help by passing this on. Thanks, Phyllis