The Mary, Undoer of Knots Novena – 2015

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Mary Undoer of Knots NovenaWe hope that each novena we pray together is one more prayer that will bring you closer to Jesus, and the next novena should do just that!

The next novena we will pray is the Mary, Undoer of Knots Novena!

Whenever we grow closer to Jesus’ mother, our mother, we grow closer to Jesus — because Mary always brings us to Jesus.
The devotion to Mary, Undoer of Knots comes from the second century. Saint Irenaeus explained it, saying, “The knot of Eve’s disobedience was untied by the obedience of Mary; what the virgin Eve bound by her unbelief, the Virgin Mary loosened by her faith.”

Basically, the Blessed Virgin Mary can undo the knots in our lives!

Whatever has separated us from God and hardened our hearts – be it violence, pride, the absence of peace, anguish, despair, depression, sickness or discord –Mary has such compassion for us and prays for us to her son, Jesus Christ.

We will begin praying on April 22nd — that’s less than one week away! So be sure to share this novena with all of your friends and family before then.

They can sign up to pray with us HERE.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!

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  1. Thank you Mother Mary undoer of knots. I am kindly asking you mother to undo the knots of my life and for my twin sister too. I pray to you to intercede for me to get a job in the line with my carrier and I also ask you to intercede for me to get a child mother. I have prayed for this for so many years and I will continue praying until my prayers are answered. And I am confident that they will be answered very soon. I also ask you to undo the knots in my sisters life so that she gets the money to come and visit. I miss her so much mother. I promise that I will come back here and tell the world if my prayers are answered. Thank you Virgin Mary.

  2. I prayed through mary the undoer of knots for the fruit of the womb which I have been trying for about 10years. On the last day of the novena I missed my period and when I took a test it was a faint positive. I waited two days and took another which was positive and much clearer. I’m so grateful and I pray for a healthy pregnacy and a healthy baby. Thank you our mother mary and I believe u will intercede to your son for me concerning my pregnacy and my baby. Thank you.
    I also pray for all those seeking the fruit of the womb that their prayers be answered in Jesus mighty name . Amen

  3. I was fired in March this year after which I prayed this novena and mid May I got another job. I praise and glorify God for the gift of mother Mary comfort of the afflicted

  4. Mary mother the undoer of knots and Pentecost Novena was a blessing to me as I had a particular intention for both novenas that is – finance to build a house as our landlord in the house we stay has given a quit notice to us. My prayer was answered on day 8 of Pentecost Novena. Now we have finances to build ours. Please help thank our mother Mary and the Holy Spirit for this wonderful break through. AEI – Nigeria

  5. My business was out of a nail thec for how many months. I started the novena of Mary on the fourth day some one came asking about the job . The seventh day she fill the post .That was so awesome. I thank Mary for that blessing that she and her son poured out on my business.

  6. Please pray that my depression and anxiety go away I feel at times I cant go on please hear my prayers blessed mother

  7. Please pray very hard for all people in Southern Plains who are affected by heaving rains, thunderstorms, and flooding….especially people in Texas along the flooding Guadalupe River. Please pray the sun comes out and rains stop in Jesus’ Holy Name, and that the raging rivers receed.
    Thank you and God bless you all.

  8. I have been praying for various things for years to no avail and obviously not correctly. I think I am vacating my prayers and these sites for a while. The false hopes are hurting me and my recovery and the disappointment is crushing my heart so if I just concentrate on healing just may be I will. Thank you all for your prayers May peace be yours always

  9. Mother Mary is undoing the knots in our family. We can see the positive changes. Thank you, Mother.

  10. I love this Novena. St. Jude is my patriot saint. I will to revive more Novena as this keeps me in prayer and draw me closer to God. God bless you and keep the prayers going.

  11. Please Blessed Mother Mary
    I am praying for a miracle, that our daughter, Kristy, doesn’t have cancer. Please hear my prayers. Amen. Thank you for this Novena

  12. Mary Undoer of Knots, please help Nanay Feling that God will forgive her sins and welcome her into His Kingdom in Heaven.

  13. I am praying Mary the Undoer of Knots right now. However i wanted to testify for my novena to St. Jude. I was in a deep depression over the past few months and now..I feel new rejuvenated, hopeful, my negative thoughts seem to have been flushed away. I smile, I laugh and I am very hopeful for the future.Thank you St.Jude for all your help.

    Glory be to Jesus!

    I think when good things happen, it is essential to testify!

  14. When it says pray three decades what do we pray on the decades HailMary prayer for the mary undoer of knots And then pray the last 2 decades what do we pray for those

  15. my favorite Marian Devotion (well other than Our Lady of Carmel and Help of Christians). I ask for the miracle of becoming a mom and wife. For the health of Ofelia. for my cake business. for health of family members. for my regular job. For conversion of those away from Church. For victims of ISIS. For rain in California. I pray this novena daily. It is beautiful and VERY POWERFUL. Mother Mary, be our advocates. .