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The next novena we’re praying together is the St. Anne Novena!
St. Anne is the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. She is a very powerful intercessor for many intentions.
We will start praying on July 17th!
You may have heard that those discerning marriage often pray to St. Anne for help in finding a spouse. But, St. Anne is also known to intercede for people for almost any request, and especially for healing.
You could also ask for St. Anne’s intercession for your marriage, for your grandparents or grandchildren, to grow in holiness and patience. You can ask her to pray for whatever it is that’s on your heart. She will bring your intentions to Jesus!
We hope you will join us in praying this novena! We will be praying for you and your intentions throughout the novena.
You can share your prayer intentions with us all below. We’re praying for you!
You can sign up to join us in prayer here:
We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!
God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie –
For my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews who are away from the Catholic Church. May they return wholeheartedly to the truth and joy and beauty of our faith!
Please pray that with health, happiness, Grace, opportunity , God’s Love & Light our son and daughter in law will not break our hearts by buying a house far away, but move closer and bring our family back together.
Am praying for financial break through, I am praying that I may get a new job opportunity with alot of faith and hope that by end of this year I will have reported to my new work station. I pray and believe, Amen.
I need miracles for the judges to rule in favor of me and my kids in court. We are facing pure evil 🙏
I pray for peace in my family. I pray the girls get along. I pray they are always best friends. I pray that my mother heals. I pray that Cristina and Brandon have babies in the next few years. I pray that Julia will find her soul mate so she can have a family .I pray for peace in our family. I pray for Mike to heal . I pray for strength . Until we meet again I pray for my father Mike , brother Frank and all the departed in our families Rest in Peace . God rest their souls.
That my grandchild will be returned permanently to her Dad.
Please pray for me to find a better job. I’m currently working in a very toxic workplace and need a fresh start with new people and better working environment. Please pray for me to remain strong until I find something better.
Dear lord Jesus please kindly heal my mother from this long aged cough she has being suffering only you can heal her. Heal her from body pains joint pains she is tired of taking medications. Please O lord heal her.
For good health, heart health , my son bob to loose the anger towards his mother. For the lost souls.
Please pray with me that I can be a kidney donor for my husband. Thank you and God bless you!
my prayer intentions
1. Get reinstated back to work after more than one year on interdiction(disciplinary meeting is on 17th Aug 2023)
2. Get my family back after separation during my interdiction
3. Clear the accumulated debts during interdiction
Lord hear my prayer I pray that Joel calls us either this week or next week at the latest. I also pray that we can get a little extra on Social Security and food stamps. I also pray that we can either move on 2024 or 2025 to either Casa Familia or someplace and I pray that Herb is positive about moving on January 1, 2024 and we can at least put 50.00 in savings.
In Jesus name we pray Amen.
Dear Jesus/Mary/All Saint: Please hear my prayers: For my marriage that it will grow in faith & love. I pray that we are happy/successful in our jobs, and that our health will be good. I pray for our oldest son and fiance that they will be happy/successful in their jobs, their health is good & faith will increase daily. That their wedding plans will be a happy occasion. I pray for our middle son & his girlfriend and this new little baby they are bringing into this world. I pray that they will be happy/successful in their jobs, that their health will be good & faith will grow. Please bless him that this new job he will be successful in, protect him when he goes for training. Please I pray that his Echo will come back normal, and his health will be good. I pray for our daughter, son in-law, & 2 grandsons that they are happy/successful in their jobs, that their health will be good, and their faith will increase. We thank you for all that you have blessed us with. Please help us all to keep Christ in our minds and hearts. Amen.
My prayer is to have my boyfriend stay be in a good relationship with him and to have him get employed . We also plan to start building our first house. That God blesses our house to be finished without having fights and disagreements.
St Anne novena notes
Join me a help me pray that I buy a plot and build my own house.
Dear St. Anne/Jesus/Mary/All Saints: Please hear my prayers- That my marriage will grow in faith/love. That we are happy/successful in our jobs; that my husband’s faith will strengthen. I pray for our oldest son and his fiance that they are happy/successful in their jobs; that their wedding plans and wedding day will be a joyous occasion. I pray for our middle son that he will be blessed with a good job that he will be happy/successful in. Thank you for blessing him with S and the new baby. May they all be healthy/faithful & happy. I pray that his Echo cardiogram will turn out okay w/good results. I pray for our daughter, son in-law, & 2 grandsons that they will all be healthy/faithful, and happy/successful in their jobs. Thank you for blessing us with grandsons, & new baby. We thank you for all that you have blessed us with. Amen
Please, St. Anne and all the Saints of God, intercede for me. Please pray that the love of my life, Andy, comes back to me to love me and cherish me until death do us part. Please pray that Our Lord will kindly remove that other woman from his life. I mean her no harm. I will love him until death do us part. I pray for your intercession to ask our Lord to help me find a new job so I will be able to pay my property taxes. Thank you from the depths of my soul.
Get a higher paying job
Dear St Anne
How much I need your intercession at this time!! My needs are many and urgent. I beg that you take my pleas to our Heavenly Father in compassion and humility. For direction and discernment in navigation toward the best decision for success with health, finances and peace for my immediate and extended family. For success in studies and a decision of a direction for career for my daughter and for companionship in marriage for the ones in my family who need it . For healing for those who are sick. For patience and a renewal of peace in the hearts of those who are troubled and anxious , that they seek your help and your face again, recommiting to you their life and actions. I beg you to assess my other needs and present them to my Father, asking that only His will be done.
For a job breakthrough for my husband and myself
Dear St. Anne:
Please ask our Dear Lord to help us end the political, racial and religious strife in the USA. Please thank Our Dear Lord for taking care of my family members, relatives, friends and acquaintances, and for giving us Graces and Blessings all of our lives. Please ask Our Dear Lord to take care especially of my brother and his family. Thank-you for your affectionate love and unrequited care that you displayed in the guidance of Our Blessed Mother. With God’s help, we can all overcome the illnesses present in our lives.
Through Christ Our Lord, AMEN.
that my parental decisions are blessed
I am still praying for stability in my mother,brother and sister..may the Lord give us peace and understanding..the one love and unity that we know..may the Lord protect us against the evil attacks we been experiencing, domestic violence, divisions and altercations and may the Lord bless our young ones may they grow in the love of God just as our forebearers and most of all may the Lord restore and preserve my life, health,career and console me in my afflictions,the evil attacks and temptations..and may I not loose the grace of faith in the Lord God Almighty.. Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Please help Bianca pass her pharmacy boards. She is a good hearted soul and a young lady that needs your help. We pray to you St. Anne. Please grant us this wish. We love you and believe in you. Thank you for everything. Amen
My son is 25 and type 1 diabetic. I found out recently that he is drinking a lot and also doing drugs. He really gets upset-denies it and starts to argue with me when I bring it up. His father and I had a bad divorce several years ago and it seems my son took the brunt of it. I stayed in the house and he moved with his father and they partied most of the time.
My son is so lost I don’t know what to think or even do for him. I pray throughout the day and night for him and I’m so stressed it’s taking a toll on me. Please pray for him that he finds his way back from this devilish hole he’s in. thank you-
I pray for more peace in my life and integrity. Also for vocation and a good job.
Please pray for a return to Godly values
in the USA. Pray that we return to being one nation UNDER GOD.🙏🙏🙏
Dear St Anne please pray for my safe delivery, for good health for me and my baby and for God to bless me with a girl child. For career break though and open doors for me and my husband. For God’s blessings, guidance and protection upon my children.
For healing and recovery of my son, Francis. For wisdom in making the right decisions about his long-term-care placement. For the grace of conversion, that he returns to God and the Catholic church during his lifetime.
For the grace of courage, patience and perseverance in carrying my daily cross In thanksgiving for my reunion with family members since 1975.
For a safe journey of my niece, Tess and her daughter, Katrina, back to the US. God bless their family.
For a safe operation, healing and recovery of Lilly V.
Dear St Anne
Please pray all those who needs your help for employment especially my son Marlon needs help for his healing of depression, addiction, to stop using drugs, and please get a job. I am begging you St Anne, you are a mother of Blessed Mother and Grandmother of Jesus. Help me to continue receive all the blessings. John- Paul&Annie
thank you for the Novena and for praying for us. Help everyone who needs your help
and for all the entire Novena. Thank you Jesus for all your blessings in Jesus Name Amen. Alleluia
Kindly requesting prayers for peace of mind and being holy before God, prayer for financial breakthrough in my life be able to get a job and blessings and grace over my life so i can be a blessing to others too, peace and love upon my family and our general wellbeing Amen.
Please pray for my two sons, my husband and my brother to return to the church. My son is diagnosed with Asperger’s and I think my husband has it too. I need to learn how to better communication with them. My brother had a stroke and needs full-time care. Thank you!
Please dear God I continuously pray for the mental peace my daughter needs to enjoy this next phase of life at her new school. I also pray that she find someone to share a relationship with. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Please pray I am hired for the wonderful job I interviewed for with the university on Wednesday. Please keep my family safe and healthy. Please pray for those struggling with addiction and health problems. Thank you for your prayers.
I pray for my family to be united with me here in the UK, my husband to get a sponsorship job and bring over our kids, pass all his exams 16th september and other. For God’s grace and protection on all of us, Mum good health and God’s protection, Edu’s visa extention and total healing from ulcer for me. Amen Thank you Jesus.
1- Pray for son – ABI, depression, anxiety, cognitive dissonance, alcoholism, etc
2- Family unity and fire give Ed’s
3- World peace and overcoming challenges of the secular world
Lord Jesus and St.Anne I really need a financial blessing.. I sold my car for little like giving it away. I need to manifest
another car for transportation. Thank you in Jesus Name 🙏
St. Anne, Mother of our dear Mother Mary please intercede for the following on my behalf:
I pray to work in a better, healthier work environment and job
I pray for the continuous good health of my family and friends
I pray for safe travels for everyone
I pray that my sisters and I will find our calling in life whether it be through marriage, single-life, or religious life.
I pray that the world will be a better place for everyone.
I am thankful for everything that God has done for us!
In your hands I leave my intercessions.
Dear St Anne,
Praying for the success of my daughter, Shannon and her boyfriend Clayton as they start their careers in AZ. Praying that Shannon can teach Clayton all she knows about the Catholic Faith 🙏🏻
I was late to start this novena so I will begin today as day 1
My prayer is to find a loving husband and God fearing! A man that will make me and my son happy.
I also pray for my son to pass his exams with his desired grades of 7s and above!
1. Father in heaven please make a way in my life where there seems to be no way… In my love life, in my financial life, in my friendships, in my business, in my future marriage
Make the impossible possible and I will continue to bless your name.
1. Healing of my breast and chest.
2. Peace , love and joy in the whole world.
3. Family unity( model family).
Today is my final prayer to St Anne
May you bless and answer each person who had. A need a prayer or intentions in this novena to you🙏including myself 🙏.
Thanking God for each day he gives me Strength Peace and Hope in going through each day that I awake 🙏. In your hands I leave all my intentions 🙏Amen.
Please pray for CJ who has neurophy, pulmonary arterial hypertension & congestive heart failure & RA. May she be healed with God, Jesus miraculous power. Amen🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you. She’s numb and can’txwalk by herself. Please heal her
Dear St. Anne,
Please intercede on my behalf for the following:
I pray for healing of my breast cancer.
I pray for GOD to guide the hands of the surgeons.
I pray for GOD to give the physicians the necessary knowledge to find out what is wrong with the other breast.
I pray for a financial miracle and a release of my debt. I have lost my job and my health insurance.
I pray to find a well paying job with good benefits.
I pray for healing of my son.
Dear St Anne praying for the gift of marriage and also grunting success to my family members in whatever they desire
Please help us st Anne please help my son to graduate this year and help him to come out of his habits Please help my husband to keep up his blood sugar and protein on level. Please pray for our families in good health and happiness. Thank you praying for us
Am praying for my sister Patience that has been sick for many years that God in his infinite mercy will heal her totally from the crown of her head to the sow of her feet in Jesus name. And every others that are sick in one way or the other, may they be heal in Jesus mighty name. Amen
I pray for financial breakthrough in my family and every others seeking for God’s hel. May God in his infinite goodness grant us our greatest heart desires. Amen
St Anne, pray for us Amen
Pray for my family to remain close
Stay safe ,
What over guide them in the jobs and uni
That my son Jonathon will return to practicing the Faith and going to church on Sunday…and that he’ll lead his family in the Faith. That his children will come to know Jesus from a very young age.
My prayer intentions are for St Anne to help me locate my spouse, to lead me to the right direction and for a fruitful marriage. I also pray St Anne helps heal me from all my ailments I am currently facing and to help me have a good job.
Thank you and Amen.
I am praying for my son who recently became a Father to our first precious Grandson and we are overjoyed, but my son has started drinking the past few months more than he should be. He owns his own business and is very dedicated and he takes care of his family. I pray he can stop drinking and calm whatever stress or anxiety that is causing him to think the drinking is making things better because it is not and he needs to help his wife more with their newborn. In Jesus name I pray.
I also pray for all intentions of everyone that is praying this Novena.
Pls pray for me,
Pray that god will answers all
my prayers
God knows what is inside my heart.
Dear St Anne, thank you for giving us this novena. I pray to the Lord for our children never to depart from the Catholic faith. Please protect them from all evil and don’t let them be evil. I pray they excel in all they do and most importantly have everlasting joy. I pray for my husband to be protected from all evil. No issues with his work and bless him abundantly. Let me and him continue to be wonderful parents to our children. I pray that we keep living in peace, love, joy, prosperity and progress. I pray that I will move to a higher grade this year at work. I pray for answered prayers for my family, friends and relatives and for the world to be a better and kinder place. Amen!
Dear St. Anne,
I pray for healing of my breast cancer.
I pray for GOD to guide the hands of the surgeons.
I pray for a successful and quick recovery.
I pray for a financial miracle and a release of my financial debt.
I lost my job and pray to find a new job that pays well and has good benefits.
I pray for healing of my son from suicidal ideations, severe depression, severe anxiety, obesity, autism, video game addiction, lack of motivation, negative self-talk, and inability to care for himself.
Please bless me and my children with happiness, joy, laughter, good health, and protection against evil.
Thank you LORD for all you have blessed me with.
Saint Anne please intercede and help my daughter get away from a manipulative friend, who wants to take her future husband from her.
Please pray for my daughter Nathalie Pierre-Paul to find a good spouse. A man who is God fearing, educated and humble . Who can complement her personality so they may have a peaceful and productive life.
Thank you
Yolene Armand
Please pray for a safe trip flying from Jakarta to Chicago, and having no problems with costumes. Also healing for my rashy skin on my face, and continue shrinking of mom’s breast tumor.
Thank you for accepting my prayer request.
Please know I am praying for everyone else’s intentions as well.
Please pray for the healing of my marriage. The love is there, but stress in life & family has caused us to drift apart. I pray for us both to put forth our best efforts to rekindle our marital vows and draw closer in Christ.
Praying that my son can open his heart and soul and forgive those who have hurt him. Praying he can let go of grudges and love his family unconditionally.
Please pray for Lily and her family. Lily is not well and has been suffering from a mental breakdown. This severely affected her husband and wonderful boys. Pray for her speedy recovery. Pray for the extended family supporting her.
Please pray for my father who is in the icu to make a full recovery.
For my Aunt who was just diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia. For peace , grace ,trust & strength for her and for my uncle, their daughters & grandchildren. Amen
Please give me strength and courage as I deal with the rigors and challenges of my job . Please keep evil and difficult people away from me . Please help me bring the Light of the Lord to all the lives that I touch . Amen 🙏
Please God, I pray that my daughter find peace and happiness at her new school and that she be successful with ball. I also pray for her to find the right person to have a loving relationship with, it is so important to be loved. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thanks God for all You’ ve done for us
Forgive us
Bless our healrh, job, ministry, and married life
Thank You
For Dallas, MP & mom, mental physical & spiritual purification as well for everyone in my family especially my husband, son & jimmy whitmore. For miracles at work & outside of work.
Please, pray for Nathan and Torie my daughter, they are experiencing their second miscarriage last night.
Love is Eternal, Love is Life! Give your Love Away!
St Ann please interced my prayers for my daughter Carlette to be able to lose s ome weight to get the dibities under controll
For the sever bad pain she has be heal
For my daughter Michelle to find a job
For finacial help to pay off my bills and to continue to help my daughter the best I could
For my family for wounds to be heal
For my brother Ricky to get help for his health
St Ann please pray for me
Please pray that the cancer treatment works and that the doctors find a way to shrink the tumor.
Financial breakthrough and my life has been affected by sluggishness, for instance I couldn’t finish my degree…
Pray for God direction, protection and guidiance upon my Son, pray for a humble heart and that his hands be blessed to provide good fruits. Pray for deliverance for my brother from alcohol and evil spell that is sent against him. Pray that my partner and I put an end to this common law relationship and join in matrimony. Pray that Rahil and his biological father bond and build a health relationship.
Please pray for me for;
1. Deliverance and healing from a strange disease that attacked my skin.
2. God to locate me a good man/husband.
3. Financial freedom/overflow
In Jesus I trust 🙏 Amen!
My prayer intention is to get a Med Tech job that is income generating & ACDS will pay me my 5months Pending Salary, & Annual leave pay.
Praying for my son Ad and son inlaw Leslie to get good jobs st Anne speak to God for opening ways for them🙏
Praying for myself that God’s healing be upon me in my body my shoulders hurts alot lord graciously hear me take away this loneliness I feel within me. And restore it with a companeship 🙏
Please send forth a buyer for my house and also a Financial breakthrough at home in all this I’m asking in my intentions to you Amen 🙏
Thanksgiving to God for ALL His bountiful blessings and mercies on my family.
2. Forgiveness of sins
5 Seeking for the grace to live a holy life
6. Seeking for God’s mercy
7. Requesting for PROMOTION from God
8 Divine Healing for our entire household
9. Seeking for love and unity in a) its ramifications in my family
10. Praying for good life partners for my sisters.
11. Praying for massive success and we’ll being for my children
12. Praying for improvement in our finances and for growth in my husband’s company/business.
13. Praying for growth, financial breakthrough and healing for my father’s house.
Thanksgiving for life
Open doors
Success in all endeavours
Loving thoughts
Good health and wealth
Stay out of debt
Good/smart choice with money
Thanksgiving for life
Open doors
Success in all endeavours
Loving thoughts
St Anne,
I trust in Your Grandson Jesus and His plan for me. I pray for my friends son to have a baby. They are married already 13 years and are a very nice couple. Please hear their prayers! Jesus I trust in You!
For the healing of my daughters stomach issues and rash
I am praying that through these prayers God will help me financially.God will help my brother to get a job.I am praying for God’s favor and grace in my life.
Please pray for amt family that we find a solution to get outbid debt. Pray we can make smarter choices with money and be successful in our jobs. Most of all pray for our safety and health.
Dear St.Anne please intercede for us:
For my son Joshua and all his teams on deployment with him far away! Give them all protection,safety,good health and bond well and work well together! Help each one of them in all their trials there and in their lives! Help Joshua lead them in prayer circles and give God directed sermons to them! Bless his wife and cabinet situations for them to come in immediately;bless their business/careers! Bless them with a miracle for healthy natural kids and/or adopt loving kids and bless their family&( Gloria’s too).
For my daughter Andrea-please ask Jesus to help her meet a loving non addicted kind Godly husband! Bless her with a kind loyal Christian girlfriend too who she can trust! Same for me karen(godly loyal husband/non addicted& and a kind loyal girlfriend! Bless both my kids w/godly marriages,sweet blessed children(God willing), and loyal kind compatible friends!
Karen needs new snug tight fitting & great looking new dentures soon!
Help& lead my meanspirited brother Ron to grow a conscience and apologize to my son! Same for all my meanspirited brothers- to stop belittling him& my daughter(us3)! Help me& my 2 adult kids change our lives for the better& meet kind loyal Christian friends,neighbors,mentors! Bring my son a Godly wisdom filled therapist who will help him through ptsd etc, same for me& my daughter! Give me Karen the strength to leave my kids addicted,narcissist father who leads a double life(addictions,betrayals,etc)! Lead Ron to hit bottom & grow a conscience and grow up & conversion to Jesus; same for all my brothers(especially Ron who emotionally abused us( both Ron’s)! Hear& answer everyone’s prayers on this forum! Help Andrea get her Medicaid immediately and get to her old psychiatrists,good doctors and keep her SSD,same with me! Help my sons morale; heal his hurt heart,mine too,& my daughters!
Karen,Andrea(Joshua too) needs a financial breakthrough to buy our own homes to own in very safe neighborhoods where our heart desires;close to each other& ocean! Heal Andrea& Jens relationship.Heal my 2 kids relationship! Help ron get his own car,but still help me when I need it as I’ve helped him a lot! All my intentions I give You& Jesus,Holy family! 🙏
Dear St Ann intercede for my financial breakthrough.
I also for clearing my pending loans and debts