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Usher in the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus by honoring saints who allowed their lives to be radically transformed by the love of Christ.
Ask for their intercession in your life by praying a novena so that you may follow their example.
Acts of the Apostles and some of the Epistles of St. Paul identifies St. Barnabas as an early Christian and a companion of Paul.
Paul and Barnabas lead the community at Antioch before traveling as missionaries alongside St. Mark–spreading the Gospel to Cyprus, Perga, Antioch in Pisidia, Iconium, and Lystra.
After he separated from Paul, Scripture doesn’t say any more about him; however, tradition holds that Barnabas went on to preach in Alexandria and Rome and eventually died a martyr.
The St. Barnabas Novena begins June 3.
Perhaps one of the most well-known saints in the Church, St Anthony has long been considered as the “patron saint of lost things” but he did so much more than we often talk about.
He joined the Franciscan Order and preached the Gospel with such eloquence and simplicity that even the most unlearned could understand and know God. For this reason, Pope Pius XII named him a Doctor of the Church.
The Novena to St. Anthony begins on June 5.
Saint Juliana Falconieri Novena
St. Juliana, an Italian-born saint and niece of the Founder of the Servites, founded her own religious order–the Sisters of the Third Order of the Servites. Her work consisted primarily of caring for the sick and performing other Works of Mercy.
Before her death at the age of 71 she suffered greatly from illness and for this reason, the Church often asks for her intercession for those experiencing body illness.
You can pray a novena to St. Juliana Falconieri beginning June 11.
St. Aloysius left the comfortable life of his wealthy Italian family to become a Jesuit priest.
While studying for the priesthood, Alousius suffered many illnesses and health issues–kidney problems, skin disease, chronic headaches, and insomnia. Despite this, he cared diligently for the sick when a plague broke out in Rome by opening a hospital.
He eventually caught the plague and died looking at the crucifix with the name of Jesus on his lips. St. Aloysius is the patron saint of students and Christian youth, as well as AIDS patients and caregivers.
St. Thomas More was an English married layman, who is well known for being a lawyer and statesman, as well as a philosopher, author, and scholar.
King Henry VIII appointed Thomas as Lord Chancellor but the positive working relationship between the two soured when Henry wanted More’s support to divorce Catherine of Aragon in order to marry Anne Boleyn. More remained faithful to the Catholic Church when Henry began the Church of England and became a martyr for his convictions.
Begin the St. Thomas More Novena on June 14.
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart as a moveable feast in June (19 days after Pentecost) as instructed by our Lord during his visit to St. Margaret Mary.
St. John Paul II said of the feast that it “…reminds us of the mystery of the love of God for the people of all times.”
This particular novena was a favorite of St. Padre Pio.
Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is celebrated on the day following the Feast of the Sacred Heart to emphasize the important connection between the hearts of Christ and His Mother. Devotion to both Jesus and Mary can more fully help the faithful enter into God’s love.
The Church invites us to meditate on the virtues in the Heart of Mary and to strive to imitate her love for the Trinity.
Saint John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus and the Last of the Prophets, was sent by God to prepare the way for the coming of Christ. Even before his birth, he proclaimed the coming of the Savior by jumping in his mother’s womb at the sound of Mary’s voice.
John preached about a Baptism for repentance and turned many hearts to God. The Church celebrates the Solemnity of St. John the Baptist on his birthday June 24th. You can begin the novena on June 16th.
Saint Cyril of Alexandria Novena
St. Cyril of Alexandria served as Patriarch of Alexandria in the 300s-400s and played a major role in combating Nestorius, a heretic who taught that Christ was two distinct people and that Mary could not rightly be called the “Mother of God.”
For this, and for his theological works, particularly on the Trinity and the Incarnation, he became a Doctor of the Church. You can pray the novena to this great theologian on June 19th.
Novena to Saints Peter and Paul
Despite suffering martyrdom on different days, the Church traditionally celebrates the lives of Sts. Peter and Paul on the same feast.
These two men–Peter one of the 12 Apostles and the first pope, and Paul a persecutor of Christians turned preacher of the Faith–show the true power of God’s grace to transform lives.
Pray to two of the most important saints in Church History with this novena honoring them beginning on June 21.
Saint Elizabeth of Portugal Novena
St. Elizabeth of Portugal, born a Spanish Princess, had a difficult marriage to King Denis of Portugal. She suffered from her husband’s infidelity and the various conflicts among her children and her husband’s illegitimate children.
She modeled trust in God during times of trial and perseverance in prayer that eventually brought about her husband’s repentance. You can pray a novena to St. Elizabeth of Portugal beginning June 26.
The Novena to Saint Maria Goretti
St. Maria Goretti is one of the youngest saints in the Church. Maria died at the age 11 after refusing the sexual advances of Alessandro Serenelli–the son of the farmer who owned the land her family worked.
Alessandro stabbed her 14 times yet she was able to forgive him. Maria’s last words were “I want [Alessandro] with me in heaven forever.” He later converted and attended her canonization.
Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, please heal and protect my family, friends and I. Please Bless us 🙏 Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
Please heal us of fibromyalgia, hyperparathyroid, kidney and heart disease, arthritis, anxiety and depression, COPD, atrial fibrillation, dementia, connective tissue disease, COVID, cancer and diabetes.
Please heal my husband from his accident injuries.
Please heal my blood pressure and kidney ailments.
God is good.