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The next novena is The Novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots!
Whenever we grow closer to Jesus’ mother, our mother, we grow closer to Jesus — because Mary always brings us to Jesus.
We will start praying on Saturday, April 22nd and we’ll finish the novena on May 1st. The month of May is actually dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, so it’s a perfect time to ask for her intercession and to begin the month of May!
As St. Francis de Sales wrote: “Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.”
You can sign up here to join us in prayer:
You can share your prayer intentions with us all below – we’re praying for you!
We will pray for all the knots in our lives — all of our worries, pains and sufferings – that Mary, our Mother, may untie them and pray for us.
God bless you!
Praying to Mamma Mary to beseech her son Jesus
For a special intention
Our FD with a lot amount has been stuck with a Builder company and they are in debts
We place our petition for releasing this money to us without any legal litigation
Thank you
Please pray with us to have a solution for financial difficulties!
For my children to return to attending church.
For one of my children to be more considerate.
1.Blessed Mother Mary , untie every knot of rejection in my life. My husband has rejected me several times , he rejected to get into the Holy Matrimony with me and this time he chased me out of his house
2.Blessed Mother Mary untie the knot of spiritual husbands and wifes in my family ,my sister and l always dream having sex with strange men . She has never been married she is 35 and I have been chased out of my marriage of 15 years.
3.Blessed Mother Mary untie the knot of falsification in my life. My husband has always accused me of cheating him ,he spreads falsehoods about me , he even told my parents that l cheat him when I honestly do not . Strange people have called my cellphone accusing me of cheating when l honestly do not.
4. Blessed Mother Mary there is nothing you cannot untie , untie every spirit , act that is withhelding and stopping me from owning my own house. Pray for me Mother Mary so that i acquire and have my own house and good car
5. My husband grew up his parents divorced and my children are about to have the set up , l don’t want it , untie everyknot that’s bringing that in my children.
6.Untie every knot that has brought a brain tumor in me . May l be totally healed from the brain tumor
7.Untie every kont thats bringing mental illness in may sister and may she meet a righful , loving and good partner.
8. Untie every knot in my husband Ishmael ,untie every bitterness, fear and abuse in him
My health care management is currently a big knot. Prayers for clarity and direction.
For Pope Francis for his health, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the war to stop in Ukraine, for the poor, sick, lonely, homeless those most need of thy help. for the shooting victims. For my father, mother, 2 brothers, son for health issues. Husband with MS. Granddaughter who stutters, granddaughter with anxiety, daughter in law for healthy twins and healthy delivery. For son in law for successful business. Please don’t let me have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN
Job opportunity and getting a life partner
Hi ,
Kindly remember me in your prayers
I need financial breakthrough
Praying against spirit of generational poverty and debts
Spirit of divorce and for my family to stand
Unity and peace in family
For the love of my life to find his way back to a grounded life. That wether or not we are together, he can choose to be the best version of himself everyday for the people in his life. That his faith with once again be more important than his selfish pursuits, and that if he is able to do all that, that I can find the strength to be a compassionate, unselfish, and supportive partner that helps him finally stay grounded. For his family and loved ones that are also praying for him daily, and for his heart and soul.
Please Mother Mary ask the Holy Spirit to open my children and grandchildren hearts to feel the love of the Holy Spirit. Please descend upon them to want to develop a relationship with Him and do God’s will. I also pray for one of my grandsons to pass this school year so he can continue attending the Catholic school he attends. I pray for our Lord to have pity on me and answer my petitions. Amen
Dear Jesus/Mary/All Saints: Please hear my prayers-That my marriage will grow in faith&love. That we are happy/successful in our jobs. That my husband will have a good year in farming. Please bless us in finding a good used vehicle to help take care of my mom; and to help with our 2 grandsons. That our health will be good. Please bless our 2 adult sons and their significant other that they too will be happy/successful in their jobs, that their health will be good, and their faith will increase daily. Please bless our daughter, son in-law that they will be happy/successful in their jobs, & their health will be good, and their faith will grow daily too. Thank you for blessing us w/2 grandsons-please protect them from all evil, that their health will be good. We thank you for all that you have blessed us with. Please protect us from all evil in this world. We surrender ourselves to you, we trust in you and adore you. Amen.
My special intentions prayers for my granddaughter Gabby to do well on her exams this week
For health for Pope Francis, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the war to stop in Ukraine, for all the shooting victims, for the sick, dying, lonely, homeless and those most need of your help. For my father, mother, 2 brothers, son with health issues, for husband with MS, granddaughter who stutters, granddaughter who has anxiety issues, for daughter in law who is having twins for healthy delivery and healthy babies. For son in law for successful business, for daughter and granddaughter for health, and for myself so I do not have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN
Please I pray to the Lord to reveal the truth to my husband and may he be disconnected to the mistresses and false pastors.
I also pray to get a visa and custody of my children.
May the lord help me to forgive my husband and also need peace and inner healing.
Thanks so much.
Mary undoer of knots, I ask that you undo the knot of infertility in my marriage and that you present my husband and I with better job opportunities or services of condition. I also pray that you untie the knot of stagnation in my young brothers life.
praying for good health and a job opportunity for Mumu.
Praying for a peaceful workspace for Chichi
I am praying for peace with siblings whom I am distanced from.
I pray for good health
My son to grow up in a nurturing environment
Financial freedom for both my husband and I
For Pope Francis for health, the poor souls in purgatory, for the war to stop in Ukraine, for the shooting victims in Texas at the mall, for all shooting victims, for the poor, lonely, dying, homeless, those most need of your help. For my father , mother, 2 brothers, son for health issues. For my husband who has MS, granddaughter who stutters, granddaughter who has anxiety issues, for daughter in law to have healthy twin babies with no complications to her or the babies. So I do not have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN
Please pray for me God to forgive me for going against his will and to give me a second chance in my marriage
Hi, am kindly requesting to pray for me for the job interview have been invited to attend on 16/5/2023. The interview is for my dream job and have been praying for God to bless me with a job and finally I made an application and have been invited for the interview. Kindly pray for me for my interview to be successful. I trust and believe that God is going to answer my prayer. Thanks in advance and be blessed
Please pray for my marriage to get better. I feel like I’m ALWAYS walking on eggshells around my husband:(
For Pope Francis for his health, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the war to stop in Ukraine, for the sick, lonely, dying, homeless and all those who need your help. For my father in nursing home for his health, for my mother and 2 brothers and my son for health issues, for my husband with MS, for my granddaughter with anxiety issues, granddaughter who stutters, son in law for successful business. For my daughter in law who is having twins for healthy babies and healthy delivery with no complications. For myself so I do not have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN.
Dear Mother Mary undoer of knots, we thank you for your prayers, intercession and for loving us. Please pray for us that our children will never depart from the Catholic faith, they will be filled with love, joy peace and happiness. They will not have mental health issues. Please we pray for their guidance and protection. Please pray for my husband not to have any issues in his practice. To be filled with love, peace and understanding. Please pray that our marriage will continue to thrive in love and happiness. Please pray for me to get the promotion to a higher level in my job, for peace love and understanding. For my family, friends and relatives, for answers to their prayers. For the world to be a better place. Amen!
I pray for my Dear friends Tony, and Yvette, that Tony may heal and Yvette be strengthened. I pray that my own sadness and pain be healed, that I can work through my anger and bitterness and become whole again, and be able to live a happy life. I pray that I be better and that my relationship with Jeff works out once and for all. Lord I ask this in your name. Thank you for all my blessings. I love you.
Help my daughter Mary find meaningful employment.
I am praying for the intercession of Mother Mary in my OSCE examination on the 17th of May.
Blessed Mary undoer of knots, I pray for better health for my self and my children, my parents brothers and sisters.
I Pray for my relationship because I don’t understand what is happening please have mercy on me.
I pray for the salary scale alignment
All believing and trusting in you.
Mother Undoer of Knots thank you for answered prayers
My granddaughter Irione passed her nursing exam and will be graduating in a couple of days
Blessed Mother I pray for my son Paul to find a job, help me help him, I
am not sure how to do this I need Your help. Please have mercy on him as
he is a good man. Please help me to be a better person in thoughts, words
deeds, I’m not liked and I would like people to like me please help me in this situation. But most importantly help Paul. Blessed Mother I’m tied up in knots please undo these knots especially for Paul. I thank you for all Your blessings, and bringing Jesus into this world. Oh my Mother preserve us this day from mortal sin.
I am praying for a job for my husband and the gift to conceive and have children
My greatest prayer is foe the Lord to assist me as I seek out for another job opportunity.
For Pope Francis for his health, for more priests and nuns, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the sick, dying, homeless, those most need of our help. For my father who is in a nursing home for health, for my mother and 2 brothers for health issues, husband with MS, son with health issues, granddaughter with anxiety issues, granddaughter who stutters, daughter in law who is having twins for healthy delivery and healthy babies, for son in law for successful business. Also for myself so I do not have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN
Chobina to pass the law pre-entry examination through the intercession of our Mother Mary Undoer of Knots.
Praying for good health and happiness of our family especially our children and that good health prevails over everything else in our life, Amen.
Pray for Rosa’s health
My prayer is asking God to answer one of my goals for this year of owning a car. Have been trying to buy car since the starting of this year and now 5 months down the line am not successful. Have approached banks and microfinance banks but nothing is working for me to buy my dream car(Nissan Juke). All I ask is God to intervene for me to be able to get that car dream car keys in my hand. God i only need 130,000ksh for me to buy that car. Kindly i pray you will show me your way of how i can get that cash to finally make my dreams come true. I trust you will hear my prayers. Amen
Mary Undoer of Knots, please smooth the ribbon of my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Please help me stay centred in the face of illness. Please smooth the ribbon in my marriage, remove dysfunction cycles, and ensure our hearts never harden towards one another. Please protect my children and guide them. Please smooth grudges and difficulty in our family on both sides. Please smooth any habits than no longer serve us especially selfishness and unhealthy habits of mind. I will be true to you, Mary Undoer of Knots.
Our son is homeless Amen
I have a job interview on Monday. This job will allow me to go back home and help my mother with dementia and help me to get my life back on track. I ask for prayers for my success in the interview process, divine favor with the new employers, and a successful outcome.
Thank you, and God bless you.
For Pope Francis for health, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the sick, dying, homeless and lonely. For my father who is in a nursing home, mother and 2 brothers with health issues, son with health issues, husband with MS, granddaughter with anxiety, granddaughter who stutters, daughter in law who is having twins for healthy delivery and healthy babies. For myself so I do not have cancer please. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN
Dear Mother Mary of Knots,
Please untie the knots of my generations
Sins committed. Amen
dear God, please help me to protect myself and my son from the abuse of his father. I pray for the judge to be patient and attentive and able to see through lies and manipulation. I pray that my ex heals and moves on with his life and stops trying to obstruct our lives. Please give me the resources I need, strength, wisdom, patience. Please allow me and my son to spend time with my dad while he can still enjoy our presence
That God may help me to forgive my husband even if I need to leave him. I pray against the knot of unforgiveness,depression ,anti marriage and poverty affecting our generations.
Bless my grandchildren with good health & happiness. Especially my grandson to restore his health for a normal life.
For Pope Francis for his health, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the sick, dying, homeless, lonely, those most need of your help. For most priests and nuns. For my father who is in a nursing home for his health, for my mother and 2 brothers for health issues, husband with MS, son with health issues, granddaughter who stutters, granddaughter with anxiety, daughter in law who is having twins for healthy babies and healthy delivery. For son in law for successful business. For myself so I do not have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN
I have serious anxiety, mental stress and depression. I pray for healing and a fresh star. Please pray for me.
Oh my Lord I come to thee with reverence and gratitude. I pray for our Anistyn. Please lay your healing hand on her as only you can. In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Seeking for job, kids school admission, praying for God’s grace and protection on my family and for a successful surgery on my sister.
May our Heavenly Father bless all in this novena.
Mother Mary, please untie the knots that keep our grown children away from the Church. We pray that with your intercession, the Holy Spirit will lead them back Church and to your loving Son, Jesus. Amen!
To finish my degree.
Praying for my son Ad and his partner Sims to return to the catholic faith Amen. Thanking God for each day he gives me. Protection and Healing and strength. In your hands I place my house for a potential buyer🙏Peace and love amongst my siblings my children and grandchildren. Thanking God for each day he gives me 🙏
Please pray for the healing of Denise who is suffering from severe nerve damage all over her body.
Please pray for my daughter to have a healthy relationship with her boyfriend
God bless everyone in this novena, please pray for my daughter Emily’s work place that they work with her for her requests.
Thank you
For Pope Francis for his health, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the war to stop in Ukraine, for peace in the world, for the sick and dying and lonely and homeless and those in need of our prayers. For my dad who is in a nursing home, for my mother and 2 brothers with health issues, for my husband with MS, son with health issues, granddaughter with anxiety, granddaughter who stutters, daughter in law with twins for healthy delivery and healthy babies, son in law for successful business . For myself so I do not have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN
Join me in praying for my children academic success, that they shall be successful in all that they do.
Lord should heal my home and damily from any sickness and diseases
Lord should make my business flourish and bless my clients
Lord should bless me with a new home without a mortgage
Happiness in my home and my life.
My siblings and husband’s siblings heart desires be granted.
Success in all planned exams and a new career breakthrough for my husband
Thank you Jesus for prayers answered.
Please pray for our daughter as she takes her final exams. May she be successful in all her subjects. Thank you for your prayers and God bless!🙏
Pray for me when I get job I do loose money frequently untie staggination and moving backward being promoted and the demoted financial problems
I pray that my daughter find relief for her anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. Also, that she find a new “home” that will allow her to see success and be given a chance to end her career on a high note. In Jesus’ name, thank you. Amen
Mother Mary,
Please untie the knots of my life and family! My marriage, for my daughter to go to school, start a career and meet a wonderful Christian man to spend her life with, my son to have a successful career and holy marriage!! Your son trusts you so, please help us. We love You!! Untie knots of all here that prayed this novena.
Increase my trust and my family’s trust in Jesus’ love and mercy!
Praying for a clean bill of health. Please Lord, let there be no malignancy in my body. In your precious name, I pray. Amen.
Mary Undoer of Knots: Please hear my prayers-I pray for my marriage that it will grow in peace and love; I pray that we are happy/successful in our jobs; that our health will be good, and we always remember to keep Christ in our hearts & mind. Please help us to find a good used vehicle that we can afford. I pray for our 2 adult sons, and their significant other that they too will be happy/successful in their jobs; their health is good, and their faith will grow daily. Please help them in their financial burdens. I pray for our daughter, son in-law that they too will be happy/successful in their jobs, their health is good, and their faith will increase daily. Thank you for blessing us w/2 beautiful grandson, please protect them from all evil and keep them safe. We thank you for all that you have blessed us with, and help us to surrender ourselves to Jesus, and know He will take care of it. Amen
Please help me pray for a loved one so that the knot of depression and joblessness can be undone.
I pray my tween daughter will stop telling white lies to people, and start being more truthful.
I pray God chooses to open the door so that Michael can step into my life and the 2 of us become one with Him thank you. Amen.
Please untie the knot of myself so I can be open to what God has for me. Thank you. Amen.
For my son Charles who has gone astray after suicide of his father.
Dear Mother Mary,
I pray for your help and intercession to our Lord Jesus Christ, for His Mercy, so I can pay all of my debts. I pray, as well, for my best friend, MA, so he can be healed, his family and his financial difficulties. Thank you Mother Mary. I believe that you listen to my prayer. Amen.
Remove all the demonic activity, all evil eyes, all black magic, all spells as well as all negative, hateful speech. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!🙏🏾🙌🏾🧿
Please pray for health of Pope Francis, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the war to stop in Ukraine, for the poor, lonely, sick, those in hospitals and nursing homes, the unemployed, homeless.
Please pray for my father for health in the nursing home, mother and 2 brothers with health issues, husband with MS, son with health issues, granddaughter with anxiety issues, granddaughter who stutters, daughter in law who is pregnant with twins for healthy delivery and healthy babies, son in law for successful business, all other family members for health. Please do not let me have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN
To find a full time job for me
To find a job
Mary, undoer of knots, please release me from my financial burdens, please lead my son back to the loving arms of your Son, and for the recovery from a very serious medical condition of a family member.
Thank you Mary for your intercession and praise to the Lord for all the blessing he provides from me and my family everyday!
Oh Blessed Mother you know how our life has never been the same since our daughters husband took his life leaving her with 4 children. Jesus and you Mother Mary have been by our side. With the world the way it is now and children getting older, expenses have risen out of control. One daughter has a breast tumor and she was taken off of CHIP for medical care giving medical bills but now she is back on. I have wrecked my car. I help her taking children and my husband 77 works nightly to earn money for needs. We need relief, security for them but beg God lets us live to see children grown up and able to provide for themselves and my daughter a husband to share our Faith in her old age. I have knots in my stomach and get depressed over all but wantvto remain strong and see my grandchildren happy and successful dedicated to our Catholic Faith. Mary please be with my family and allow Lee and I a long Life dedicated to God and family.
Mary mother undoer of knots help me know your son and release me from the bondages of life untie my fruitful knots mother I trust you with my life….I pray for spiritual breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, breakthroughs of the holy spirit..I declare and decree that on this day the lord has heard my cries and my voice ,this day I pray for the people of the world I lift up each and every individual before you Mother teach us to know your son touch ea h individual lives lord from the crown of their head to the soul of their feets lord, I pray for the fortunate and less fortunate,I lift up the government bodies ,the schools the hospital’s,the court the probation officers lord I pray for family unite this morning father I pray every strong hold be broken that is over my life and family life I rebuke it to North in Jesus name…for you are God and God alone creator of the heavens and the earth father you take the wheel lord ask I beg you to clear and untie my knots through Your Loving. mother Mary…in Jesus name Amen
I thank you for the gift of life.
Protection on my family, provision, good health, accommodation and happiness and peace of mind.
Wisdom, knowledge and understanding and a rethinkict knowledge on my son.
Strengthen us this I ask through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
Please pray Jason forgives me and he wants to have an honest conversation and work things out. Please forgive me for what I did wrong I regret messaging her. Please please help me with this
Mother through your intercession,I ask that I shall be free from barrenness,demonic attack in dreams, financial limitations, closed doors, untimely death, laziness in prayer & reading the word, dryness in my business. Through your intercession mother Mary I know I am totally free from this knots in Jesus Name I have prayed Amen.
Dear Mary undoer of all knots, today i pray for my dream job, my relationship and financial stability in Jesus Name, Amen.
Blessed Mother,
Please untie these knots for me in my life.
Let my elder son stop using drug addiction,
depression, let him go to the barber. Let my younger son go to school regular, stop worrying about going through the red light.
Please help him to consentrate on his education. Help my husband stop drinking.
Heal me thoroughly on my right side of my arm and foot. Give us health, strength, peace and love. I am begging you please help us and bless our home. I believe in you and trust in you and in Jesus. I ask these petitions to you in Jesus Name Amen, Alleluia🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️ Glory to glory praise him Alleluia
My daughter today had her work contract
terminated. She has 4 children to look after. Can you please pray for her and her family that she might get her contract renewed or that she finds employment very soon. I believe that when 1 door shuts God can open other doors.
Pls pray for my daughter Osasu, and my grand daughter Aduke who are very ill now. Pray for miraculous recovery for them in Jesus name. Amen
Today I ask for recovery from my surgery and a clean health from my routine blood work and mammogram. Praying for good health for my husband and children and asking for GOD’S grace in my marriage. May the good LORD heal my mother and I am grateful for GOD’S mercies. Please GOD bless the works of my hands and that of my husband and to protect and guid us in our going out and coming in and may I be granted interview to a job GOD has ordained for me. Thank you LORD for all you do for my family and loved ones. Thank you for good health!
Mother Mary, bless our world with your grace and assist us all in our faith, wisdom and courage. Assist us in the acknowledgement that we are in need of the spirit of God the father to guide us in our everyday activities and that we are here on this earth for a purpose. Bless us with your mercy and love, amen
Dear Blessed Mother Undoer of Knots, I humbly prostrate myself before you asking for your help and intercession in undoing all the knots in my life, my son and family’s lives especially the knots that our enemies have placed upon our lives and prevented us from being the persons God created us to be, living the lives God intended us to have and the blessings he bestowed upon us Amen.
Dearest Mother Undoer of Knots, please hear the prayers of all asking your help and intercession today Amen.
Praying that all those asking for help will have their prayers answered Amen.
Please help the people of Ukraine to defeat and drive the evil out of their homeland Amen.
For health and happiness!!
I pray with my whole heart that my daughter is relieved of her anxiety and performance anxiety. I pray that God helps her gain a 2nd chance and make the right decisions for next year. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
– Fr. David Altman.
– Sophia.
– A.H.M.
– E.A.O.
– The conversion of heart to Our Lord Jesus Christ, for all those attending or involved, in the Satan Con Event Apr 28-30 in Boston..
– Jaehon Lee (for healing him completely from industrial accident, and bless him with faith and love for God)
– Uncle Pat (for comfort and peace for him and the family)
– Prayers for Fr. Tilley and Deacon Jeremy and all SJB staffs and volunteers …(for children receive First Holy Communion)..
+ Protection and support for our Bishop Oscar Solis, and Priests, Nuns, Deacons, Seminarians and Religious Brothers and Sisters.
– Mary Undoer of Knots Novena..
* Sincere condolences to Kody and Wilhelm families.
+++ Pray for Jim wilhelm’s soul and all Souls in Purgatory.
Please help me mend things w Jason. I reacted badly to a lie he told me. I’m very sorry and just want to fix this and mend things and start over. It was a wonderful new beginning and just want to start over to see where things go w is. Please let him feel the same. Please forgive me for my sons.
Also please help my mom
Please help Jax w his First Communion
Thank you
In hospital with lung issues in California while on vacation. Need to be well enough to fly home. Thanks
Thank you Mary undoer of Knots for listening to our prayers and for undoing those knots that constrain our lives.
-I pray my daughter, LPVG, is not pregnant. She’s only 17 yrs of age.
-I pray my daughter is finally mentally and emotionally balanced and sees her thoughts as not being good for her future.
-I pray she does very well and loves MSPA and graduates HS May 2024.
-I pray she and her current boyfriend, JD, end the toxic relationship which is not good for her.
-Thank you May undoer of Knots for listening to and answering our prayers.
Please pray for the healing of Denise who is suffering greatly from severe nerve damage
A special prayer request for my daughter Kessiah that all the parts of her body is healthy as she donates one of his kidney to her sister Nica Jan and may we kind find financial aid also for both of them ,praying that they will match ,in the Mighty Name of Jesus and wd Mama Mary’s intercession…Lord Jesus hear my prayer,ame.!🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕
Dear mother Mary Under of Knots, I’m sorry l am starting this novena late but I beg You Merciful Mother to please accept it because. I have many, many knots in my life which have to be unraveled so that I can be faithful to my baptismal vows and follow Jesus and You .I need you Mother I am very weak and cannot do it on my own.I will say it for the next 9days..
Thank You mother Mary ,please stay and guide me along the narrow way helping me to carry my cross,not drag it,because when l am called home by my heavenly Father l want Him to welcome me with a smile saying ,come my little nothing, you made it!
For Jimmy to be humble of heart
Dear Mary, Come into our lives and give our family hope and life. Many disappointments have come to our family and our business. I pray that you intercede into our lives. Bring more clients our way so we can pay our bills. I ask this in Jesus name Amen
For Vaughn to heal is mind and bring a friend into his life. He has not one friend in this whole world
Pray for Pope Francis for his health, for the war to stop in Ukraine, for the poor souls in purgatory, for the poor, sick, dying and lonely. For my father who is in a nursing home, my mother and 2 brothers and son with health issues, husband who has MS, granddaughter who has anxiety issues, granddaughter who stutters, my daughter in law who is pregnant with twins for healthy babies and no complications to her or the babies, and for myself so I do not have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN