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The search for your future spouse can often feel intimidating and lonely, especially in the age of online dating. Turning to the saints for prayers offers both solace and guidance.
There are many saints that can assist you in finding your future spouse. From patron saints of relationships to those renowned for their devotion to God’s will, these holy figures provide you with companionship and help in discernment on your journey.
Saint Joseph was chosen to be the husband of the Blessed Mother and the earthly father of Jesus; although he wasn’t “conceived without sin” like Mary, he still possessed the virtues and character needed for a godly marriage with her.
He also knows firsthand what it is like to wholeheartedly trust God’s plan and can help you navigate your own path with the same faith which is why you should entrust your dating life or new-found relationship to this powerful intercessor.
St. Anthony’s reputation for being a “matchmaker saint” appears to have begun in the Middle Ages when many destitute girls turned to him to ask for a dowry and a bridal trousseau which were, at the time, necessary to get married.
Today the tradition of praying to Saint Anthony in order to find one’s future spouse is particularly well known in Latin America and Portugal; Pope Francis recalled this in a conversation with students in Padua: “In Argentina we have great veneration for St Anthony; he is the patron of young people looking for their sweethearts.”
“St Anne, St Anne, find me a man.” This is a common prayer offered by young women in search of a husband, though the history and the reasoning behind asking for her intercession for meeting a future spouse is unclear.
Along with her husband St. Joachim, St. Anne modeled a faithful marriage.
However, being the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus, St. Anne’s intercession is powerful.
St. Andrew’s matchmaking reputation seems to go back to Scripture when he introduced his brother Peter to Christ, thereby helping Christ’s new Church find Her first pope.
Dearest Jesus, Blessed Mother and St. Therese of Lisieux, please heal and protect my family, friends and I. Please Bless us 🙏 Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
Please heal our wonderful son and his fiancee of their anxiety.
Please help my husband and dearest friend continue to take care of their diabetes.
Please help my brother with his dementia and atrial fibrillation.
Please heal my chronic kidney disease.
Please heal our fractured Nation, and help all people understand the evils of abortion, socialism and terrorism.
God is good.