Answered Prayers from the St. Monica Novena, 2021

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Thank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Monica Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below.

We’re praying for you every day!

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  1. I was offering the St. Monica Novena up for an outpouring of graces upon my brother and his family. My brother is a very special person and is so so kind & generous to me and my family and I can never afford to return the favour. So I do pray for him instead and 5 days into saying this novena my brother won a substantial amount of money. Praise the Lord for answered prayers and the saints for their intercession 🙌🙏

  2. I have been separated from my wife for almost three years. It has been a challenging season of my life for sure! However, God has taken me on a surprisingly awesome journey over these three years that has included an introduction to the concept of “redemptive” suffering, new holy friendships, and a special bond with my children. During this process He has called me to a greater level of intimacy with Him.

    I have done much praying over this time for my wife, many times with your novenas. My prayers have changed over time but I’ve always tried to include Gods will be done in my prayers and have learned a lot about patience. After all, Gods timing is perfect, right?!

    With that said, it is not lost on me that much of this St Monica novena was about healing relationships and specifically marriages. As this novena was coming to a close my wife reached out to me. She has done a few times over the last three years but something was very different this time. Since that time she has been consistent in making a conscious effort to rekindle our relationship! I certainly did not expect this but God is SO GOOD! And He gives us blessings that we certainly don’t deserve. I don’t know why He has chosen this time but I know it’s all part of His greater plan and I’m just taking it one day at a time. We still have a long way to go but this is just one example amongst many that miracles DO happen and God answers our prayers! Thank you ALL for praying this novena with me and I pray and know that God will bless you for your faithfulness! Praise the Lord!!! I’m praying for you, please continue to pray for me!

  3. On day 7, my prayers were answered. Thank you God. Thank you St. Monica.
    My son who was graduated in May 2021 with is MBA, was having a hard time finding a job bc he did not do his internship so he had no experience. Employers were asking for experience not degrees. It was very frustrating for all of us. He, his Dad, & myself prayed. I was fortunate to have St. Monica Novena in my inbox that same week, and I prayed my heart deep. On day 7 he had 1 job offer where the company created a position for him to start the following week. On day 8 he had 2 other offers of employment from other companies. He’s not getting the salary he wanted, but its a position in his field & a foot in the door to experience & bigger and better opportunities.
    Dear God I thank you deeply for sending me St. Monica to be my vehicle to carry my prayers.
    St. Monica thank you for your compassion and prayers. Amen

  4. The St. Monica Novena has once again reminded me that in everything and all circumstances, pray unceasingly. St. Monica is such a wonderful role model and intercessor for a greater reliance on prayer because without God we can do nothing ourselves. We are just not that powerful or able, but God is! During this Novena, I have asked for and received intercession for my family relationships, as well as for basic things such as keeping the car running until I can get it to the repair shop. God cares about us, and I am learning to give all the Glory to God for every little thing! Thank you, St. Monica, for your example of a devout prayer life.

  5. I have been praying for all my family who are atheists, and after the novena I had more courage to talk to them about my faith, and my brother revealed to me that he sometimes prays the rosary, which I never would have expected and has given me more hope that he will one day return to the Church. Praise God!

  6. Thank you, St. Monica, for your prayers on my behalf that my ex-boyfriend will have a change of heart and that I will find peace. I have been feeling more peace since the novena and I wait upon God’s timing. I believe you are interceding for me, dear St. Monica. Thank You, Lord, for hearing us in Your kindness. Amen.

  7. Family is coming together more and more. Several of us have gotten Covid recently and I thank God for the blessings he has given us throughout this novena and for all the blessings that everyone else has received also. God is good and merciful.